Nabila Cruz
Postgraduate Researcher & Information Professional
I am a PhD candidate at the University of Sheffield working in critical AI studies. With a background in information science, I worked in information management and research support in libraries and universities throughout my career. I have experience in teaching university students, training researchers and leading workshops. When I get some free time, I make zines, write short stories and go hiking.
My PhD project investigates how generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) might affect young adults' trust in the news. I also work as a research associate in other projects, such as in the Creative Library Project.
Writing & Speaking About AI
- Generative Artificial Intelligence as a Method for Critical Research | 2024 AoIR Conference, 30/10/2024
- “Look how far we have come” | Peaks of Colour Nature Writing Journal, 29/09/2024
- AI: Threats & Opportunities for the Media | Festival of Debate, Sheffield, 25/04/2024
- Artificial Intelligence: What are the threats and opportunities for the media? | Now Then Sheffield, 23/04/2024
- Artificial Intelligence is what we make it | Now Then Sheffield, 13/11/2023
Other Writing & Speaking
- Privilege and powerlessness as a PGR rep of colour | Centre for Equity & Inclusion, 07/01/2025
- Alternative Freshers: A City Of Sanctuary | Centre for Equity & Inclusion, 14/10/2024
- The Creative Library Project Zine | University of Sheffield, 25/09/2024
- Zine Making Workshop | University of Sheffield, 30/05/2024
- Inequalities, Resistance and Change: The 2023 PGR Conference | Sociological Studies Research blog, 12/07/2023
- The Seaman's Dictionary: "This book shall make a man understand" | National Maritime Museum, 02/12/2013
Zines & Creative Projects
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